
Postdoctoral Position in PDE at UNBC

A post­doc­tor­al posi­tion in the area of par­tial dif­fer­en­tial equa­tions (PDE) is avail­able at the Uni­ver­si­ty of North­ern British Colum­bia (UNBC), under the super­vi­sion of Dr. Moham­mad El Smai­ly.

This is a one year posi­tion. The loca­tion is at the UNBC main cam­pus in Prince George, BC. The start date is July 1, 2022, although there is some flex­i­bil­i­ty to accom­mo­date the suc­cess­ful can­di­date’s schedule.

The suc­cess­ful appli­cant will work with Dr. Moham­mad El Smai­ly at UNBC’s main cam­pus in Prince George, BC. The ide­al can­di­date is a math­e­mat­i­cal­ly tal­ent­ed and orig­i­nal researcher, with inter­ests vary­ing from analy­sis to opti­miza­tion. The can­di­date should have a strong back­ground in non­lin­ear PDE (espe­cial­ly reac­tion-dif­fu­sion equa­tions and/or sys­tems) and an apti­tude for learn­ing about relat­ed new fields.

Appli­cants must hold a PhD or equiv­a­lent in math­e­mat­ics or close­ly relat­ed areas or expect to receive one by Sum­mer 2022. Appoint­ment as a Post­doc­tor­al Fel­low typ­i­cal­ly requires a PhD obtained in 2018 or lat­er. This posi­tion is open to indi­vid­u­als of any nationality.

The annu­al salary will be between 48000 (CAD), for duties includ­ing research and teach­ing one math­e­mat­ics cours­es per year.

The fund­ing for this posi­tion is main­ly from the supervisor’s NSERC Dis­cov­ery Grant. We have a strong com­mit­ment to equi­ty, diver­si­ty and inclu­sion. We strive to build an open and inclu­sive com­mu­ni­ty. We strong­ly encour­age peo­ple from his­tor­i­cal­ly under­rep­re­sent­ed groups to apply for this position.

Review of appli­ca­tions will con­tin­ue until the posi­tion is filled. Appli­cants must apply by email sent to Dr. Moham­mad El Smai­ly at Appli­ca­tions should include:

  • A cov­er let­ter out­lin­ing their fit for the position.
  • A research statement.
  • A teach­ing statement.
  • A cur­ricu­lum vitae.
  • A pub­li­ca­tion list.
  • Two con­fi­den­tial let­ters of ref­er­ence about the research poten­tial of the applicant.

Fur­ther ques­tions about the appli­ca­tion and the posi­tion can be addressed to Dr. M. El Smai­ly

(see this in PDF here)

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